
React Native

Giảng viên:

Nguyen Trong Tien

Lợi ích:
  • Học miễn phí 7 ngày
Dự kiến:05/08/2024
Lịch học:Thứ 2,3,4,5,6,7,CN lúc 20:00 đến 22:00
Đánh giá: 0Đã bán: 0

Mô tả khóa học

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1. Introduction to React Native

  • Overview of mobile app development
  • Understanding the differences between React and React Native
  • Setting up the development environment
    • Installing Node.js, Watchman, and the React Native CLI
    • Setting up Android Studio and/or Xcode

2. Core Concepts of React Native

  • Components and Props
  • State and Lifecycle
  • Styles in React Native
    • Using StyleSheet
    • Flexbox for layouts
  • Event Handling

3. Building a React Native App

  • Creating a new project
  • Understanding project structure
  • Working with Common Components
    • View, Text, Image, ScrollView, FlatList, SectionList, etc.

4. Navigation in React Native

  • Introduction to React Navigation
  • Stack, Tab, and Drawer Navigators
  • Passing parameters between screens
  • Deep linking

5. Managing State

  • Context API for state management
  • Introduction to Redux (optional)
    • Setting up Redux
    • Actions, Reducers, and Store
    • Connecting React components to Redux

6. Fetching Data

  • Using fetch API
  • Axios for HTTP requests
  • Handling responses and errors
  • Working with async/await

7. Working with Native Modules

  • Understanding Native modules and how to create them
  • Using device-specific capabilities (Camera, GPS, etc.)

8. Handling User Input

  • TextInput and forms
  • Keyboard awareness and handling
  • Gesture handling

9. Styling and Theming

  • Using third-party libraries for UI components (like Native Base or React Native Paper)
  • Creating a consistent theme for your app
  • Responsive design considerations

10. Debugging and Performance Optimization

  • Using React DevTools and Chrome DevTools
  • Techniques for optimizing app performance
  • Best practices for debugging

11. Testing in React Native

  • Introduction to testing concepts
  • Writing unit tests with Jest
  • End-to-end testing with Detox

12. Deployment

  • Building and publishing apps for iOS and Android
  • App Store and Google Play submission processes
  • Over-the-air (OTA) updates using services like CodePush

13. Advanced Topics (optional)

  • Integrating with GraphQL
  • Authentication flows (OAuth, JWT)
  • Offline storage (AsyncStorage, SQLite)
  • Using WebSockets for real-time applications

14. Building a Capstone Project

  • Apply all learned skills in a comprehensive project
  • Focus on code structure, state management, and user experience.

15. Keeping Up-to-Date

  • Resources for continued learning (blogs, YouTube, community forums)
  • Staying updated with React Native releases and best practices.

Suggested Resources

  • Official React Native Documentation
  • Online courses (Udemy, Coursera, etc.)
  • YouTube tutorials
  • Community forums (Stack Overflow, Reactiflux Discord)

This curriculum can be adjusted based on your prior experience and specific areas of interest within React Native!