
Docker with Solutions

Giảng viên:

Nguyen Trong Tien

Lợi ích:
  • Học miễn phí 7 ngày
Dự kiến:01/07/2024
Lịch học:Thứ 2,4 lúc 20:00 đến 22:00
Đánh giá: 33Đã bán: 43

Mô tả khóa học

Beginner Level:

Introduction to Docker:

  • What is Docker?
  • Why use Docker?
  • Key concepts: containers, images, Dockerfile, etc.

Installation and Setup:

  • Install Docker on your machine (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  • Verify the installation.
  • Configure Docker settings.

Docker Containers:

  • Create your first Docker container.
  • Run and manage containers.
  • Interact with containers (start, stop, restart).

Docker Images:

  • Understand Docker images.
  • Build custom images using Dockerfiles.
  • Push and pull images from Docker Hub.

Intermediate Level:

Docker Compose:

  • Introduction to Docker Compose.
  • Define and manage multi-container applications.
  • Networking between containers.

Docker Volumes:

  • Manage data persistence with volumes.
  • Mount volumes inside containers.

Docker Networking:

  • Understand Docker networking.
  • Linking containers.
  • Exposing and publishing ports.

Docker Registries:

  • Set up a private Docker registry.
  • Push and pull images from a private registry.