
Java Exercises with Solutions

Giảng viên:

Nguyen Trong Tien

Lợi ích:
  • Học miễn phí 7 ngày
Dự kiến:18/07/2024
Lịch học:Thứ 3,5,7 lúc 20:00 đến 22:00
Đánh giá: 29Đã bán: 46

Mô tả khóa học

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that models real-world entities as objects and defines their attributes and behaviors within classes. Practicing OOP principles through hands-on exercises is crucial for mastering Java and building robust, reusable code to solve complex problems. 

This course guide provides practical examples and coding exercises to reinforce core OOP concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism while developing solutions for real-world scenarios.